Monday, April 16, 2012

Starting Over

It's nearly 2am and it seems as though the sandman is having a difficult time finding me tonight. Really, my inability to find solace in a pillow comes from this bit of anxiousness building in my gut. Tomorrow (today), I will be facilitating a workshop, with the help of my dear colleague, for grad students and faculty in our department. Perhaps I'm nervous, perhaps it's other stresses (I have plenty), I can't tell exactly, but I am not really feeling tired- that's a fact. If am nervous, I am certain that those feelings will fade after a rigorous hour spent with the Austin Boxing Babes in the morning.

Yeah, I'm taking boxing classes now.

Obviously, it has been ages since my last post. Much has happened between then and now. However, rather than taking on the heady task of filling in the blanks now- which would inevitably result in writing paralysis- I will simply acknowledge that I need to write more. And I will.

I need to loosen up these stiff fingers and grease the rusty cogs in my brain to become more accustomed to writing on the regular. After all, I am expected to write a dissertation one of these days. So, what better way than to get back into blogging again?

It's time to shift gears and start exploring the ideas and events that get my creative juices flowing. Until next time...